This report was researched and written by Aruna Kashyap, senior researcher for the Women’s Rights Division at Human Rights Watch. Storm Tiv, associate in the Asia Division, provided research support.
The report was edited by Nisha Varia, advocacy director of the Women’s Rights Division. James Ross, legal and policy director, and Joseph Saunders, deputy program director, provided legal and program review respectively. Chris Albin-Lackey, senior researcher for the Business and Human Rights Division; Phil Robertson, deputy director for the Asia Division; Richard Pearshouse, senior researcher for the Health and Human Rights Division; and Margaret Wurth, researcher for the Children’s Rights Division, provided specialist review.
We are particularly indebted to the external reviewers who commented on sections of an early version of the report.
Bisma Mufti, Adelaida Tamayo, and Tahira Ebaady, interns, and Matthew Rullo, former coordinator of the Women’s Rights Division, provided important secondary research support. Alexandra Kotowski, senior associate in the Women’s Rights Division provided editing and production assistance. Fitzroy Hepkins, administrative manager, provided production assistance.
We are very grateful to the many labor law experts, local and international NGOs, independent unions, lawyers, academics and others who assisted our research, in particular, the Community Legal Education Center, the Workers’ Information Center, LICADHO, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, the Solidarity Center, the Worker Rights Consortium, and independent union federations— Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers Democratic Union, National Independent Federation of Textile Unions in Cambodia, Collective Union of Movement of Workers, and Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions.
We are particularly grateful to Bunn Rachana, Sophary, and Sann Kalyan, who provided coordination and translation support during the field research.
Above all, we thank all the workers who recounted their experiences of working in factories. We also acknowledge the government officials, factory, and brand representatives who agreed to be interviewed at length for this report.
The views expressed in this report are those of Human Rights Watch and Human Rights Watch takes full responsibility for any errors or omissions.
We acknowledge with gratitude the financial support from the Ford Foundation, Gary and Donna Slaight, and the other generous donors who support the work of the Women’s Rights Division of Human Rights Watch.