Sample Blood Test Results
Form 1:
Result of Blood Examination for Lead Contaminant
Kanchanaburi Public Health Office
Name __[Name]_______________Age _________ Year
Lead Contamination ___22.37______ Micrograms / Deciliter
Signature_______________________________ Blood Examinee
Note: Advice for physical health care
1. Stop consuming Klity Creek’s water and aquatic animals.
2. No hand-eating (using spoon)
3. Always wear shoes
4. Only consume mountain-pipe and rain water.
Form 2:
Kanchanaburi Public Health Office
Result of blood examination for lead contamination for [ Name ]
Level of lead contamination 18.7 micrograms / deciliter
Note: For children from 0-15 years old, level of lead contamination in blood must be less than 25 micrograms / deciliter.
For adults of 15 years old and over, level of lead contamination in blood must be less than 40 micrograms / deciliter.